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If I were to paint a picture of what i feel this company is my canvas would be a sheet made of pressed dog feces. I would have to somehow fish a boot out from the bottom of a stagnant lake or possibly a pond on a farm where all the cows from the farm go to take their shts and that boot will serve as the paintbrush. I'll have an assortment of paints each made from the feces of a rodent or bird. Also a special paint will be used and that paint is made up of gorilla shitts which is similar in color as well. I really think the bird droppings are gonna give this project what it needs to shine. All that brown is nice but put a little white on it and that shitttss is gonna pop. So pretty much robinhood is a person with a wet shitfilled boot slapping a bunch of shittt on to more shitttt while its shittting and getting shittt on by birds. 5 stars and hundreds of pounds of shitttt.